Friday, 13 February 2009

Loads of Photo's

Loads more snow in Nottingham last Thursday.

The Doggies really enjoyed it!

Reno was so tired he couldn't even stand up to eat.

And another trip to Dorset. Reno and Ollie are really getting on well now. They only stop playing to sleep.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

I've been tagged!

I've just realised that I have been "tagged" by Gracey.
Being new to this "blogging" lark I'm guessing that it is a way of sharing our older photo's/memories with everyone else?
So are you ready for it? (drum roll!!!) Fifth folder, fifth photo is.....................................

Dad and Basil taken in December 2004. Dad, Wanda, the boys and Basil had come up to Nottingham for a pre-xmas visit. I don't think Dad would class this as his best photo!

Basil was a little RSPCA rescue described by many as a Labrador/Collie on Corgi legs! He came to live with Dad and Wanda in 1990 when he was about a year old and shared their lives for 15 years.

You will notice the similarity between Basil and Ollie in my previous post's? Wanda found it hard to get over the loss of Basil but, by chance, saw a photo of Ollie on the Waggy Tails website and had to have him. I don't think a time will come when she doesn't have a "little black dog" in her life!

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Fun in the Snow

My work has been completely disrupted over the past couple of days but the Dogs haven't minded!

Here are some photo's of them having fun in the Snow.