Tuesday, 1 June 2010

What happened to May?!!

Not sure where the time has gone?

I've just spent from Thurday to yesterday working on our show - Nottingham ADTC.  It has been a great weekend with the only problem being the weather on Saturday.  I've worked on some really exciting rings - Champ on Sat and KC Olympia on Sun - and seen some top class Agility.  What a bonus :)

Since my last post I have taken Kiros to the Osteopath.  She gave him a good exmination and said that there wasn't anything wrong and his spine was holding up well.  Any little aches and pains he gets are down to his age and she has advised I keep running him as long as he wants to.

I've cut down his training a bit and picking the best courses for him to run at shows so he really enjoys his runs.  He's doing fine but just a bit slower.  I, on the other hand,  seem to be totally incapable of handling him correctly now.  I even forgot where I was going on a course at the ABC show!!

Reno's brothers and sister have all started to compete and Zippy is doing really well - congrats Jo. 

I'm still struggling with Reno's training.  I think my biggest problem is that I am so inexperienced at training a young dog I just don't know what to expect and am probably being inconsistent with my training and confusing him.  Poor Lad!!

On a positive note I have got his wait back but last Tuesday he started going under jumps.  I've decided to try 2 x 2 weaves instead of channels as they are easier for me to practice at home and I was struggling to close the channels up.  Unfortunately Reno still cannot understand to go through the gaps when the poles are straight so we need to go back a step with that. 

His See Saw was comming along nicely until last Tuesday (you can tell it wasn't a good session for us!) when we got out our RVA See Saw which is lighter then the Adams one.  It moved to quickly and freaked him :(

Let's see what happens at training tonight? 

Still a long way to go and I've got no idea when he will be ready to compete.  I've entered him in a few classes from July but won't run him if he can't run a course in training.  Trying to be patient!!

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